What equipment is needed?

The following items are required:

  • Closed shoes for walking (even the "technical" sandals are unsuitable for walking on the beach)
  • Canteen
  • Sunscreen
  • Backpack (20-25L)
  • Flashlight (the front panels are perfect)

Apart from this, no particular equipment is necessary.

We recommend comfortable clothes.

Do participants have to have money?

Money is irrelevant during the Caretta Adventure Camp. However, we recommend providing participants with a small amount of money for contingencies.

Will participants use smartphones?

The use of smartphones will be limited, in fact reception is practically absent at the Caretta Calabria Conservation logistics headquarters.

All family members will be given a time slot in which to contact the relevant educator for updates.

Where do you sleep?

At the Caretta Calabria Conservation headquarters.

In shared rooms with 3 or 4 beds per room.

Can you take a shower?

Of course, showers are available both inside and outside the structure.

What will they eat?

There are 5 meals a day: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. Lunch, based on the planned activities, may include a packed meal.

It is a vegetarian, simple and seasonal cuisine.

In case of intolerances or other particular conditions we will adapt the menu accordingly.

How many participants will there be?

Every week we welcome up to a maximum of 25 boys and girls.

How do you get there?

There are many ways to get to Caretta Adventure Camp independently, all of them are listed below.

The organization facilitates arrival and departure by trying to meet the needs of all participants, you can contact us to agree on the best solution.

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Reggio Calabria’s Airport: use the bus from the airport to the Reggio Calabria Centrale railway station, then take the train to Palizzi and/or Brancaleone. In the absence of trains, consult the websites of: Bus Federico and Mediterranea Bus.

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Lamezia Terme’s Airport: use the shuttle service to reach the Lamezia Terme railway station, take the train to Reggio Calabria Centrale and from there take the regional train towards Roccella Ionica or Catanzaro, and then stop at the Palizzi or Brancaleone station. Alternatively, consult the websites of: Bus Federico and Mediterranea Bus.

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For those arriving from the Tyrrhenian side we recommend reaching the Reggio Calabria Centrale station as the first stop and from there taking a regional train towards Roccella Ionica or Catanzaro and stopping at the Palizzi or Brancaleone station. For those arriving from the Ionian side, we recommend using the regional trains to directly reach the Palizzi or Brancaleone station. For further information you can consult the Trenitalia and Federico bus and Mediterranea Bus websites.

Take the A3 highway towards Reggio Calabria, exit SS 106 Taranto, and continue until Palizzi. For those arriving from the Ionian side, take the SS 106 southwards, towards Reggio Calabria, up to Palizzi.

What if I sign up but end up not coming?

If you do not come for health reasons you will be refunded 50% of the registration fee.

In other cases you will get a partial refund on the registration fee. The advance payment is non-refundable because it is necessary to cover the costs of setting up the Caretta Adventure Camp.

Is it permitted to drink alchol?

In Italy, the supply of alcohol to minors under 16 is a crime. Despite this, it is culturally accepted that even minors under 16 drink small quantities of alcoholic beverages.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages intertwines with numerous social rituals and is influenced by different regional traditions, taking on various colours and tastes. It will be our commitment to promote the responsible use of alcoholic beverages and discourage reckless use. We discourage the purchase of alcohol.

What is your policy on romantic relationships and sexual relations?

"We do not believe that it is the responsibility of educators to hinder romantic and sexual relationships; rather, we believe that it is the responsibility of educators to promote the development of respectful and fulfilling relationships. For this reason, the first day will include the "Sex, Turtles & Rock'n'roll" workshop.

The prospect that participants may develop affection for each other and engage in sexual relationships does not frighten us; what frightens us is silence, the policy of abstinence, and sexual austerity. Suffering arising from naivety and ignorance is what concerns us."

Caretta Adventure Camp

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